Part 1: Are we avoiding the challenges?

Part 1 of our series “Life’s clarity through new lenses”.

Are we avoiding the challenges that are becoming a part of our daily lives? What about our motivation? It caused isolation and a turn to habits that we simply didn’t do before Covid. Furthermore, if you found yourself before Covid, and after covid, leading a lifestyle that wasn’t conducive to who you are or wanted to be we have some tips for you!

From Forbes: “America is already among the unhealthiest of industrialized nations and is getting sicker. We lost 26 years’ worth of progress in life expectancy according to a recent report due to Covid-19 and drug overdose deaths.

Comorbidities increase the risk of death from both Covid-19 and Covid-19/sepsis infections. Over 40% of our population is either overweight or obese. A decade ago, no state had an adult obesity rate over 35%. Today, 19 states do. Pandemic quarantine and isolation practices led to poor eating and exercise habits. Both contributed to weight gain.”

You are receiving this email and very likely you are NOT part of the group that Forbes is addressing. However, post Covid, we have become increasingly less motivated to see things through a clearer lens.

1- It’s all about creating habits. But, you first must manifest your intentions. Get your sh!t together and make a plan. Let’s say you haven’t been on your bike, or in the gym, for a very long time. Your first intention should NOT be to go out and ride for 3 hours. (The coach in me would say, uh, that’s NOT the proper steps in “increasing” volume".)

Start with a spin bike for 45 minutes or a tool around the neighborhood. Make the goals attainable for each step of your process.

2. Create a positive morning routine. I have shared this many times, but here it is again. These 7 things set your intentions for the day. You may not get to all of them and that’s ok. It should be your intention to get through all of them.

3. Meditation (it comes in MANY forms. Skeptic?) can be a great way to get out of your head and into your body where your gut feelings live. This is where you can release the old you and start working on the new you. The one that starts eating better, going to the gym more, and riding more.

These are three great ways to get unstuck. It’s now time to see your future through new and clearer lenses!



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Part 2: Does my past dictate/predict my future?


Life’s clarity through new lenses..