Your bridge crosses to good habits…walk over it.

Are you crossing the bridge safely or meeting certain peril 🤣.

The year has turned to 2023. All your resolutions are in front of you. (ahem, habits!) What do you do with them? How do you wrap your hands and arms around the “resolutions”? How do you start? Have you started? My philosophies and approaches? (These ideas come to me on my daily walks)

Starting new habits can be daunting. Understanding how we form habits and why it’s so difficult to break bad habits and create healthier ones is critical.

  • It’s so easy to stay in the status quo. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” From Michael Sherman: it’s a heavier cognitive load to learn something new, to explore new environments”. It requires the brain to make new neural connections. Adapting a new training regimen, stopping cookie consumption, sugars, stopping alcohol, more walking is way harder than making change. Is it easier to eat a caramel/fudge/sea salt brownie every day? If you’ve done it for months, it’s hard to break the habit. 

The bridge above. Or this? It’s your choice :) (DailyWalk)

  • Now that you are trying to BREAK the status quo, next up… change! Change is hard, especially from a resolution standpoint, because many people try to change too many things at once. I think of change like a bike fit. If you are fitting someone on a bike, you make subtle changes. Maybe one or two changes. You then have the bike owner try out the changes. See if their body adapts favorably. If it works, continue with more changes. Just like adopting new habits. Small changes.

I’m advocating taking things slowly. Be smart with your approach. Lay out a plan for your 2023. It’s not too late. I don’t want you guys to fall into the rapids and get swept away. Cross the bridge. Success is on the other side.



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It’s 2:36am.


“Does your tree have solid roots and branches?”