“What’s the fine these days for exceeding the LeGaL positivity limit? 😋”

Not really, nope. This isn’t going to be some bouji woo-woo type of talk. It’s all about mindset. Yesterday started off well for me. I’m trying to process all the sad and bad and turn them into good and positive. I met with my old friend, DR, for some catching up and some business. Driving home, I was in a peppy place, …and then…. 🚓 (Why in the &$#@! is Park Road in Charlotte, NC only 35mph speed limit?)

Let’s go backward in time. Normally, if I was in a mood that was light, airy, happy, productive, and locked in, this Sh!t would have sent me into anger and frustration. What happened? I chilled. The police officer approached. “Sir, did you realize that you were doing 54 in a 35? Me “Nope, but what I do know is that I’m having a good day. I’m working on making it a better day. This isn’t going to make my day worse.” He looked at me like. WTF? He turned and then proceeded to his cruiser. I surprised myself. He came back, and said, “Mr. Andrews I can’t avoid giving you a ticket (19 over). However, I am letting the judge know just how pleasant you were. If I was you, I would go to court and plead down”. Noted!

Does this really matter? How big of a deal will this moment be in 5 years? I’ve been through a lot (JUST LIKE ALL OF US! ). I have a lot going on now, both good and bad. If I go to court, will I get a reduced fee or points? Maybe. I was in the wrong. I was peppy and my lead foot. got the best of me. (First ticket in 25 years) Two outcomes were possible. Anger or NOT. I am choosing NOT.

What’s the lesson to me (maybe you)? I’ve found when I get stressful news, in stressful situations, in stressful relationships, or just stress at all…I step back. Breathe. Assess. Process and respond. Sometimes it needs to be a quick judgment call or other times it needs to be thought out. That’s all the manifesting and mediation kicking ass.

I’m in a place to help. Help me to then help you. Wellness is my jam. (along with being a KICK ass coach for endurance sports).

So, My answer is no, JoE, there is no fine these days for exceeding the LeGaL positivity limit.



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Life’s clarity through new lenses..


Theory: Metallica to Mozart: For training purposes only.