We aren’t always a 10

But we can add up to it!

I’m sure you’ve heard me talk about “walking the walk” lately. Not the old-school philosophy of my dad. “Do as I say, not as I do”. I was listening to Hubermans Lab podcast and something struck me in his conversation with Dr. Galpin.

I originally had The 33 Rule in my business.The 33 Rule is fundamentally taking the three components of your life; wellness/exercise, work/professional life, and personal life, and assessing a daily percentage of usage. If you are in a tough personal situation, your personal life would dominate the division of percentages greatly. It would look like this. 65% Personal/ 20% work/ 15% health and wellness. 

I have adjusted this philosophy more in line with my coaching core beliefs. I want you to take 10 points, at the end of the day, and put them in 4 baskets. The challenge? You can’t do half points. It has to be a full point and equal 10 total points.

  1. Personal life (Marriage, relationships, kids, friendships).

  2. Professional life (Work, entrepreneurship, etc).

  3. Exercise and wellness.

  4. Recovery.

I fundamentally assumed that recovery would be a part of The 33 Rule, but it wasn’t. Here’s my example: ONLY for Monday, February 20th, 2023. Please note that point VALUE is NOT a 1-10 scale on what it means to you. It’s simply how much of your day each bucket required.

  1. Personal life: 4 points (Good and or bad, how much attention was paid to this)

  2. Professional life: 3 points (Growing back to pre covid days but time demands are UP!)

  3. Exercise and wellness. 1 (Just a walk vs 2-3 exercise sessions today)

  4. Recovery: 2 (Only going for a walk. I felt tired. Very tired today)

That was so hard to do! I wanted more in a particular bucket versus the other. I wanted to do a half-point. I second-guessed. I fudged. However, if I’m being objective… these assigned point values, for yesterday, were pretty much spot on. 

I’m going to challenge you to do this point system daily. I will also challenge you to ask your significant others and family members to do one for you too. You will be intrigued by your results versus what they see. 



Join our Free Live Webinar on this topic! Wednesday, March 8th, 7pm

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The gram 


Towards the future… mistake free.


Do you have good timing?