Getting real…and thankful.

Been a while eh? When you are full bore on your blog and then cool off it’s tough to get started back. Writer's block? Content chaos? Life changes? Probably a little bit of all. This reminds me of the times when I was racing a lot or coaching elite athletes late November was a serious “funk time”. You aren’t motivated by the following season. It’s the holidays. It’s cold. It’s cloudy. The sun sets at like… 4 pm ( 😫).

How do you get out of it? Slowly. Crawl. Don’t go full pin into your training. The 25 years I have been coaching …November has always been a challenge. Cold and short days. The lack of motivation to get on the bike in your home? Bleh. Nope!

My past few posts on the “social platforms” have really focused on doing some form of exercise. My go-to? Hiking. Man, do I love hiking? The outdoors, the cool weather. It’s great cross-training. It’s a wonderful escape. Friends, food, and fellowship. (📸 Tamara LaValla)

Secondly: The Winter Training Series. Probably a bit of sales here (🥷🏻 🤷‍♂️) but this program works. It’s been going on since 2002. We’ve coached thousands of hours and hundreds of athletes. Ths class is now virtual. You train at your home, when you want. Live or On-Demand. You get to see the coach. You get a great interval-based training plan based on YOUR physiology. You get 30% off your first month until Midnight tonight! Code: BLACKFRIDAY That’s a winning combination!

Finally, focus on your meditation practices and your journaling. I’ve been trying to fight through the urge of NOT meditating and journaling. I’ve been slack. I feel so much more “in touch” with the goals I have when I do these exercises. I never seem to get a complete busines/training picture until I journal and meditate. 

It’s now time to “Get Real” with 2024.

I’m thankful you guys are joining me in exercise, wellness, and training! 




The Groan


2024 in the crosshairs…