Daily Spin: Say NO to New Years Resolutions.

23% of people quit their resolution after just one week!

I was never really a fan of New Year's resolutions. I always felt they were destined to fail. Most were unrealistic and not attainable. “I’m going to lose 30 lbs or stop drinking., or take “X” amount of time off my next big event”. You have to do the work before you start thinking about change.

  1. Habit: To create a habit and make it stick you have to create the process. Think of it like a routine. The routine starts the habit. New years resolutions remind me of my college years. “Aw, damn, I have an exam in 3 days. Time to start cramming”. No routine, I was in reaction and procrastination mode. You can guess what grade I got on the exam. Start with manageable goals. Attainable goals

  2. Time: You will need time to prepare. You should plan out your “resolutions” in advance. The truly dedicated to making a change are the ones that plan accordingly. Think of it like a big cycling or running event. You’ve had it on your calendar for months. Are you going to show up without training? Hell-to-the-no. (If you do, you need to hire me for god's sake.)

  3. Freedom: You will need to make your plans fluid. Adjustable. If you make concrete/ unobtainable resolutions, you likely will fail. I will use training and events again. You’ve had this event on your calendar for a long time. Let’s use Assault on Mount Mitchell. You put a goal down to finish the event in “X” time. Your “X” time is egregiously aggressive. The chances of you actually succeeding/meeting that goal is very small. You can’t control the weather, the pace of the group you are in, and other factors. Give yourself the freedom to make ATTAINABLE goals. What feels the best? When you check the event off as a success you are more likely to set additional goals!



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“Does your tree have solid roots and branches?”


“Always choose yourself first.”