What NOW? 

Dis·so·lu·tion: the closing down or dismissal of an assembly, partnership, or official body. 

Today I’ve spent the better part of the morning and afternoon building on an idea that has been right in front of me. I’m going to provide a few details now and lot’s more between now and New Year's Day.

  • I dissolved two companies, effective December, 31st 2022.

  • I registered another business effective Jan 1, 2023.

 I have strong ties to this new idea. It’s also a bit scary 👻 🎃. It’s been a LOOONG journey to where I am now. I felt it was time to distance myself from ideas that were floundering.It's time to expand on ideas that have worked, and show lots of promise. I’m at peace with the incredible success I’ve had, and the extended periods of lows. Some of you may be saying. Jesus, Chad. Enough with the “vulnerability” and “transparency”. But, hey. It feels GOOD. Many years ago, I would have been too proud, don’t tell me how or what to do. I had all the answers. Today, I have more questions. Maybe it’s age, maybe it’s experiencing, maybe it’s …shit, I dunno, just an attempt at a better version of ME.

 Each day my objective is to be .01% better than I was yesterday. Remember, growth…is growth. I’m challenging myself and you to be just that much better tomorrow than today. 

I’m very excited about the future. I’m also cautiously optimistic. I’m determined as F’. Those that know me, I’m a bit of a terrier (or terror?).

Are you trying to be the BEST version of yourself???

Can change and coping be good in business?

Can change be good in your personal life?



OCTOBER 29, 2022


